Friday, January 8, 2010

Song #39: Break Even - "November 18th"

 Last night, I had the privilege of seeing hardcore supergroup Burning Empires live, which was huge for me but strangely enough not for a lot of the other people there. The crowd was surging forward and subsequently going apeshit for a band I'd previously never listened to - Perth's Break Even.

Currently wrapping up their Endless Bummer tour with BE and The Amity Affliction, this quartet couldn't match the intensity of Empires, but they still put on a fairly enjoyable show. This track in particular - the finale of their debut album, The Bright Side, stood out in particular. It's aggressive, but also very open in its emotion - a trait that only the very best hardcore can do. Its recorded version is also significantly less heavy than when it was performed live. Rather than seeing this as a flaw, I perceive it to be an indication of the kind of passion they put into their live show. I'm now definitely keen to listen to a bit more of these guys.


The album is out now.


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