Saturday, February 13, 2010

Song #72: Adam Green - "Give Them a Token"

 The lovely Adam Green is back with his sixth album, entitled Minor Love. It's a short, sweet collection of tunes that deal with his break-up and his loneliness. Don't you just want to hug the poor little one? He's normally so happy, so it's strange to hear such dark and moping music coming from him.

I suppose this is his "mature" album. His smoky baritone is still very much the same, but the songs themselves are a lot more textured and shake off their novelty. This track in particular sways along on a simple chord progression with some sweet lyrics and a whirring keyboard flashing through the final segment of the song. It's all over far too quickly, but it's a treat to listen to regardless.

FINAL RATING (/10): 7.5

Minor Love is out now.


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