Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Song #62: Fuck Buttons - "Sweet Love to Mother Earth"

Interestingly enough, I have had this song on my harddrive for quite some time. I got it from the mixtape of some hipster's blog where he put together a compilation of his favourite songs of 2008. This was my first experience listening to the band's music in full - and truth be told, I'm uncertain I could last an entire record.

It's not that "Sweet Love" is a bad song. Not at all. It is, however, an exhausting listening experience - clocking in at nearly ten minutes, the track takes several of those just building up keyboard noise around a single note. The peak of the song's intensity is near the end, with distorted screams and increased noise. It gets really exciting near its end, but it's a difficult pill to swallow. I might try some of their other stuff, but this has left me pretty uneasy about it.

FINAL RATING (/10): 5.5


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