Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Song #43: The Polyamourous Affair - "New York City"

Some days in this project, I'm completely uninspired as to where I'm going to find new music. In this instance, however, it literally jumped right out at me - signing into my Blogspot dashboard, I noticed a new post from a blog I follow, Off the Radar. It lead me to a new track and video from a duo called The Polyamourous Affair. Unlike my tripping upon Social Studies, however, discovering this music was far from pleasant.

So the Affair are a husband-and-wife duo that make lifeless electro-pop. The male counterpart is breathy and slightly creepy, and the female simply cannot sing at all. Throw in some shallow, namedropping lyrics ("I walk through Paris in the rain/I sip champagne in Hollywood"), and a dull thud of a beat that comes across as something even The Human League at their cheesiest would throw to the dogs. You're now getting an idea of what this snooze-fest sounds like, and if you're as dissatisfied with how I've described it as I am with how it actually sounds, then we're onto something here.


I have no idea if this shit is cool or not, but take note, lovebirds: New York City sucks.

Here's the video if you don't believe me.


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